package: design-to-code-react
1.x - current


The Form is a React component that generates fields based on the JSON Schema, so if a JSON Schema specifies a "type" of "string", a text input will appear.

The component is pluggable and stylable, so if there is a requirement to replace any fields or change the styling to match the rest of your application, this is easy to do.


The basic usage only requires the passing of the MessageSystem. The component will then register itself and begin sending and recieving data.

import { Form } from "design-to-code-react";

<Form messageSystem={fastMessageSystem} />

Modular Usage

There are two exports for the Form, the default Form and ModularForm. The ModularForm is for use with any React component that may share a dependency on react-dnd such as the Navigation component, or the Viewer. It's safe to assume that if you are using more than one React component from the design-to-code-react package you must use the ModularForm.

import { DndProvider } from "react-dnd";
import HTML5Backend from "react-dnd-html5-backend";
import { ModularForm } from "design-to-code-react";

<DndProvider backend={HTML5Backend}>
    <ModularForm messageSystem={fastMessageSystem} />


The Form leverages CSS variables and the following are available:

  • --dtc-accent-color
  • --dtc-l1-color
  • --dtc-l4-color
  • --dtc-text-color
  • --dtc-l3-fill-color
  • --dtc-error-color
  • --dtc-success-color
  • --dtc-floating-color

Adding a custom control

There may be occasions where a custom control will serve better than the default form elements provided by the Form. For this situation a StandardControlPlugin is made available that will provide the surrounding UI for the Form but allow the form element or custom control to be created.

import { ModularForm, StandardControlPlugin } from "design-to-code-react";

        new StandardControlPlugin({
            id: "foo",
            control: (config) => {
                return (


The form contains some additional mapping metadata that can be injected into a JSON schema.


If your array contains complex data and you want a part of that data to be used as the text for the item, add the dtc:form:control:array:display-text key with the data location (using lodash path syntax) and when that value is filled out it will be used for display.

Example JSON schema:

    "$schema": "",
    "$id": "controlArrayDisplayText",
    "title": "Array control with display text",
    "type": "array",
    "dtc:form:control:array:display-text": "text",
    "items": {
        "title": "Array item",
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "text": {
                "title": "Text",
                "type": "string"